Hog Roast Bridport – Seasons Greetings!

From all at Hog Roast Bridport, we would like to offer a big, hearty Merry Christmas to all of our wonderful customers who have come out in force over this past year and helped us to get back to doing all that we love. We truly mean it when we say that Hog Roast Bridport would be nowhere without you, and we hope that each of has a brilliant and, most importantly, safe festive time this holiday. Relax and chill out with family this Christmas weekend – we’ve certainly all earned it.

Hog Roast Bridport As we come together to be with friends and family once again this Christmas weekend now is an excellent time to reflect on the past year. Last year saw disappointment at the last minute as many of our Christmas plans will have been cancelled or vastly reduced. Family members that wouldn’t have been able to make it, now should hopefully be at the table this Christmas to enjoy some festive cheer all together once again. This year has certainly been quite like no other (which we feel like we’re seeing near enough every year these days!) with plenty of ups and downs. Early in the year Hog Roast Bridport were disappointed to not be starting the year afresh with a buzz of new events as we usually do, since a second lockdown put an end to any event gatherings. As restrictions opened up we did what we could to keep working the capacities that we were allowed to. Hog Roast Bridport thrives on events, and to have such limited services was certainly a dampener on the thing we usually love, but we were thankful to at least still be afforded some small part of our passion as you kept coming back out to us anyway.

“Freedom Day” saw us coming back to usual capacity and greeting you all once again. We kept things safe despite the waving of restrictions, since we still fully rake this virus and pandemic seriously. It was brilliant to bring you all back to events and we couldn’t be happier with the overwhelming response we got on return. You certainly kept us busy again!

We’re happy to be back at the festive period again, doing what we love. It certainly is the most wonderful time of year, and you all have more than made it so. So from us to you, once again, a huge thanks and we hope to see you all in the new year.

Merry Christmas!